Monday, February 5, 2018

What’s there in a name?

Shakespeare rightly said, what is there in a name?
A rose by any other name would smell the same.
One mother gave birth to a boy, called him ‘Ram’ (Singh),
She probably hoped that like the god, her son will become a righteous man,
Instead he raped a girl with five other friends,
Only to commit suicide in prison at the end...
While another mother named and likely treated her son more human...
She called him Kapil (Kundu), for India’s enemies who was a demon...
All of 22, he was full of love for his motherland, zeal & valor, 
His planned surprise visit to his mother for his 23rd birthday happened wrapped in tricolor...
Both mothers lost their sons; both must have felt the same pain...
While one mother would live with her head held high in  pride, other’s would be forever bent in shame....

#KapilKundu #AMothersPride #MakeYourSonsHuman

P.S. : Time changes perceptions and thoughts; probably that’s why after years of having asked , “What isn’t there in a name?”, I finally agree with Shakespeare.

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